Unlearning LO25923

From: SShah@rnib.org.uk
Date: 01/18/01

Replying to LO25914 --

In response to Jeff Ack:

Dear Jeff,

Would recommend this book to your teacher (and anyone else for that matter
interested in learning and education):
"The courage to teach" by Parker J Palmer" ISBN0-7879-1058-9.

An example quote from the text "Technique is what teachers use until the
real teacher arrives, and this book is about helping the teacher show up."

kind regards,
Selina Shah



[Host's Note: In assoc w/Amazon.com...

The Courage to Teach : Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life by Parker J. Palmer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0787910589/learningorg


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