[Linked to Gleick & Feigenbaum LO25930 by your host...]
Dear Learners,
At replied to my post,
>Subject: Dialogue, language, learning LO25927
>Dear Organlearners,
>Andrew Campbell < ACampnona@aol.com > writes:
>>...and now i learn that the O.U.P are putting the dictionaries
>>'online'..so maybe that is the answer, in the UK they are
>>going to make the dictionary 'alive' to new word productions
>>by opening it to the 'net'...heaven knows where this will
>>take you and Leo and friends in your lexicographical meanderings....
> Greetings dear Andrew,
> You are an artist. One of the things which a painter do
> to become aware of the main message of a painting, is
> to step back, look at the painting, step back further,
> look again, etc., connecting each image as the picture
> recedes successively into the back ground so as to get
> the movie.
> You will remember that entropy gets produced by
> entropic force-flux pairs. To become formally aware of
> an entropic force or an entropic flux, one must become
> aware of intensive and extensive properties. To become
> aware of an intensive proeprty or an extensive
> property, one must scale the system up or down. Those
> properties which scales as the whole system scales, are
> extensive. Those properties which stays the same (or
> change far less than the scaling) are intensive. A
> difference in an intensive property is an entropic force
> while a change in an extensive property is an entropic
> flux. Now why all this talk?
Then dear At you go on to paint a richer picture for us...
Just before or about that time I posted that contribution I also wrote
another which I had no idea would connect up in the way it did today.
> date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 16:43:34 EST
> From: ACampnona@aol.com
> Subject: Gleick & Feigenbaum LO25930
> Dear Learners,
> Is there anyone (singular and plural) here among this community of souls
> who can give me some context/background to Gleick's description of
> Feigenbaum's 'measure of characteristic of universality that occurs on the
> real number line'?
> This is proving to be a real struggle.
> Thank you in grateful anticipation.
> love, Andrew >
and someone writes back off list;-)
>Unfortunately, I haven't read Gleick, and haven't come up with anything that
>gives me an idea of what the mentioned "characteristic of universality"
>might be. If you can find a more complete description, I'll take a whack at
>interpreting it.
>BTW, In researching this, I also came up with the following: "Chaos as
>Orderly Disorder: Shifting Ground in Contemporary Literature and Science" at
>www.people.virginia.edu/~tsawyer/DRBR/hayles.txt -- the author compares
>Feigenbaum's work with Derrida's, which is at the very least a good
>stretching exercise, and also gives some background into Feigenbaum's sense
>of universality.
>Fun confusion, eh?
end past
Ok. you ask;-) yourself;-) what is the point?
Well it turns out that Feigenbaum is all about (not literally) 'scaling'
in fact there is a historical jouney of learning, finding and forgetting
in the article. It takes in Milton, Hamlet, Godel, Edward Fredkin, Claude
Shannon, Boltzmann, Leon Brillouin, Maxwell, Gleick and Feigenbaum...and
what does it boil down to...'basic (material) stuff is information',
'noise' is articulate at an appropriately low level of differentiation (my
terms), 'chaos is not lack but richness, source of nascence', 'chaos is
the presence of information not the absence of order...' and it goes into
wonderfully rich connections of 'scaling' to 'complexity appreciation',
"scale dependency" and for me then lurking in the shadows of my own
enfoldenments;-) is the dim awareness that there is a powerful link herein
between fruitful leading and iterating and re-iterating via reading that
connects with dissipation, creative collapses into emergence and as
understanding more fundamentally the nature of nature inclusive of human
nature and -- as it states in the text, 'only from disorder can another
form -- order -- emerge' .. with increasing returns. It also speaks of the
difficulties of how to 'talk about isomorphic concepts transdisciplinary
and all the while to do 'distinct justice' to the totalities and values
that concepts have, embedded as they must be, in localized sur/roundings.
Going back to President' Bush"s inaugural speech and the 'Angel's hands
guiding the storm ...', and my friends song 'line' calling forth the image
of a 'hurricane with the calm eye' I was struck by the last paragraphs of
the text I was pointed to, " Changes arrive not as a monolithic unity, but
as complex vortices of local turbulence." Now At, is this starting to fit
in a beautiful way out of our localised turbulences or what? And now what
have I to do? I have to close my eyes and listen to the impossible. The
people of the Russian wilderness on 'sound files' who can iterate the most
amazingly low gravel like ;-) sonorities while through the same voice
system call out like singing birds on the storm of a winged wind or bright
streams deep set in the rocky valleys of sublime tranquility, chuckle,
If anyone want to listen with me, write me and I'll send a sound file
(less than a minute download)
"A faster finer form of attention..." David Bohm
Love and complex dreams tonight;-)
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