e-Enabling HR Functions LO25976 -Show Anaheim May

From: L Davis (LDavis@linkage-inc.com)
Date: 01/24/01

Dear HR Professional,

You are just a click away from the ultimate conference experience
http://www.linkageinc.com/ <http://www.linkageinc.com/ehr2001> ehr2001.
Click now to access the brochure for The 2nd Annual e-HR Future Show:
e-Enabling All HR Functions.

The e-HR Future Show, May 7-10th 2001, Anaheim, CA is a truly innovative
event that will bring together over 700 industry professionals in the HR,
training & development, and recruiting arenas. This events' unique format
will focus on three HR capabilities: delivering e-HR Services, developing
e-Learning and Development and utilizing e-Recruitment and Retention.
Nine learning tracks comprised of 36 concurrent sessions will be devoted
to these critical HR topics. In addition, ten visionary keynotes
including Esther Dyson and Robert Reich who will address the entire
conference audience on the broader issues confronting all attendees.

This event combines unparalleled learning opportunities for those tasked
with e-enabling HR Functions. Attendees can move between tracks and
attend any session that appeals to them, thus creating a customized
learning experience. In addition, there will be a large exposition hall
containing cutting-edge products and services of many leading providers
and there will be abundant opportunities to network with colleagues.

3 Easy Ways to Register:
1. Telephone: 781-862-3157
2. Fax: 781-862-2355
3. Internet: http://www.linkageinc.com/ehr2001/

See you in Anaheim!

Lauren Davis & Liz Garstka

Lauren Davis
Program Manager
2nd Annual e-HR Future Show
May 7-10, 2001 Anaheim, CA

Linkage Inc.
One Forbes Road
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781-402-5503
Fax: 781-862-2355

        Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com>
  Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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