A Mutual Enfoldment LO25991

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 01/27/01

Dear Learners,

Sometimes this list moves inexplicably to ethics. Other listerserves
sometimes inexplicably move to ethics. When this inexplicability happens
itself out of the theorising and semanticising it issues a pattern, a tiny
vibration manifests as the most common person quoted (often misquoted) and
that is Gandhi. A perfectly ordinary person. A perfectly, perfectly
ordinary person. A perfectly, perfectly, perfectly ordinary person.

He wrote, "-devotion has no eye for shortcomings."
Pupil/disciple >: (~) :< World/teacher

Aha! Greetings, Morning Star, "And that is where we start. We die with the

When Socrates is oft' quoted as to have said that, "The unexamined life
was not worth living." It is just as oft' not quoted that he started his
sentence with the words, "As I have explained it..." I am just pointing to
the ubiquity of the ways. That's all. Really.

It is very un-oft' remarked that Jesus as a 'way' never took recourse to
writing except once, in the sand.
It is even more unoft' written or spoken that he did so while all around
him uttered fine sounding words, mainly of a judgemental kind, then when
they had all finished he told them to shut up. Question. What if Jesus was
not writing in the way we might have thought but was in fact drawing
pictures? And what if those pictures were doodles, sketches for a
thoughted thought? Just a thought.
Ref: An Emendation of R.G. Collingwood's Doctrine of Absolute
Presuppositions. Kenneth Laine Ketner. Texas Tech Press. 1973 Collingwood:
" Whenever anybody states a thought in words, there are a great many more
thoughts in his mind than there are expressed in his statement. Among
these there are some which stand in a peculiar relation to the thought he
has stated; they are not merely its context, they are its

One presupposition is to suppose that a supposition sits just to the left
of a presupposition, just as the erstwhile Mr. Duffy in James Joyce's
novel, Finnegan's Wake "- lived a short distance from his body." (Issues
of scaling and circling enter my 'possibility' space from my 'problem'
space but I will best sit on that for now;-)

Aside: You know, Picasso used to say that you can smother a form or
colour, like say a red patch on a canvas with something else, but you have
to know too that it will pop up somewhere else anyway...(See Senge, The
Fifth Discipline, Royal Dutch Shell's turnaround in the face of a big
wave....) Picasso, like most creative painters (generative) understood
like Ackoff did that a mess is not an easily or simply shared 'thing'
really;-)...it's more like a "system of problems." It can't help being
interdependent aka inner-complex. can it?

Gandhi has taught me this among other many things, that failing to prove
the truth in our own lives is not a failure of the truth. Any truth. "It
is a proof of the eternal law." In our failures we prove the eternal laws.
" < 0 " This may be a matter of faith. A matter of faith. A matter of
faith. This "place" continually teaches me to learn the deep values of my
own failure and to distinguish between the doing and the done. In another
dimension there are things called "folds". Senge wrote that, "authentic
learning is threefold, aspiration, imagination and experimentation."

Between "from" and "to" there is a "fold".

My deepest presupposition is that Jesus' Father taught him the power of
these "folds" in our lived life and that as he bent down he was "folding
grains of sand" with a stick. It is a 'stepping' back and forth.

At, Leo and "M"

Last night I had a dream and it was yellow.The least that light can become
when imbued with the dark of the day and I made it into a en-folded cloak
and decided to wear it inside my head, to cover my dreams wherever I
'happen' and go to 'do' some better 'knowing'.





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