What is learning? LO26028

From: Peggy Stuart (pstuart@c2t2.ca)
Date: 01/31/01

Hi all:

I am trying to build a foundation of what learning is for my MBA thesis on
LOs and am running into some challenges. There is a HUGE body of knowledge
on learning that does not seem to want to be summarized! Any suggestions,
tips and resource ideas you have to offer me would be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I am looking to explain:
Q1. What is the definition of learning.
Q2. What are the types of learning
Q3. What is the learning process
Q4. What are the types of learning processes

Q1. Definition of learning. So far, the definition I like is ..."gain
knowledge of, or skill in, by study, experience, or being taught; commit
to memory; receive instruction, being informed (of) find out (that, how,
etc.) (Oxford Dictionary of Current English. 1990) Does this work as a
general definition? It seems to encompass the formal and informal learning
of both tacit and explicit information.

Q2. Types of learning. I have not seen anything that comprehensively
describes these. All I have found so far is:
* Experiential learning- Learning related to or derived from experience.
* Incidental learning- Learning from everyday experience and reasoned

Q3. The learning process. Would someone please explain this or point me in
the right direction? Is this what everyone talks about when they speak of
a "loop"?

Q4. Types of learning processes. Are they single and double loop? Is a
"loop" the learning processes? If so, then so far I have found that single
loop is when learning is directed at the enhancement of existing
paradigms, products and services and double loop learning is directed at
the creation of new ones. For example, single loop learning could be
investments in improving the efficiency of an assembly line. An example of
double loop learning could be investment in finding alternatives to the
assembly line. DiBella, A and Nevis E. (1998) How Organizations Learn: An
Integrated Strategy for Building Learning Capability (Jossey-Bass

Thanks in advance!



Peggy Stuart <pstuart@c2t2.ca>

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