Dear At,
This is on my mind, so I am writing it down as it happens in so far as
possible...One very amazing and constant companion of mine is Bohm's book
"On Creativity". A recent image you wafted over my screen was the
parabola. Thank you. I have waited for that image. In my imaginings it
started to move, up and down, left and right, round and around. Then, as I
was digesting Bohm's reflections on Coleridge's distinctions between the
poles of "primary imagination" and "fancy" suddenly a new dimension
overtook me and I saw a third dimension of the parabola, it was a skipping
rope, which created a conical (vector?) formation oscillating or spinning
forward and backward between the 'axes' which now shift between background
and foreground. Can you imagine that? As the rope tension tightens so the
speed of cycling between 'fields' of operation increases. Bohm calls
'theory' a 'form of insight" IN-sight from "theatre" (To view and to
make a spectacle). Because Bohm thinks this 'movement' of mind toward
'insight' is reflective of a movement impulse;-) toward origin and the
most fundamental, more whole, aspect of reality. The skipping rope image
(mine) connects for his example of Newtons 'imagining' the constant
'falling' cyclically (?) of the planets in their orbits ;-) how else, but
to skip;-) to hitherto unknown and unimaginable 'facts'?
You know I am a first class honours dumbo in physics, but methinks there
may be a connection between this image and one of light waves, and other
esoterical entities of the sub-atomic particularity...and joy of joys, a
scattering of meandering Bucket(ness)es in the flat fields of North
Morton;-) Upon another note, artists are often quoted as saying something
along the lines of...if I could say it in words I would not dance...if I
could write it in words i would not paint...which leads to a general sense
that artists are inarticulate, yet reading the writings of many artists
will quickly put that view aright;-) even so I was interested in the
connections especially to the Polanyi threads and so i offer this from
Bohm for analysis and interpretation by anyone caring to think upon it in
a careful spirit.
" Consider for example a geometric curve which is in a certain way
evidently an ordered set of points. To express this order in a precisely
communicable and perceptually testable way, we can regard the curve
approximately as a set of lines of equal length. The lines are thus
similar in their lengths, but generally different in their orientations.
But the existence of a regular curve (rather than an arbitrary array of
points) evidently depends of a **similarity of differences** These are of
course immediately noted by the eye, even though our common language is
generally too crude or impoverished to allow us to communicate exactly
what it is the eye has seen."
I understand from this (rereading my writings) that the higher the 'level
of order' the more difficult to truncate into the dimensionality of our
common language so we might use diagrams, visualisations, metaphor, or
poetry etc., etc. Bohm moves from the straight line as a curve (;-) to a
circle as a curve to a spiral which becomes three dimensional. First,
second and third order some edge or other there is the
infinite order, often seen as chaos in the motions of sub atomic
particles, for me I find such high order orders in the brush strokes that
underlie, lay and overlay what constitutes the 'whole' dimensionality of a
painting's total representational field including emotions. What I get
from Bohm at present in my understanding is that it is we who bring our
noise and disorder to what some pejoratively label noise, disorder
'present;-) a 'possibility field' for another who wishes only to play in
the shallow, single loop, mechanical, ungenerative reaction based "answer
fields". So it is that he calls structure "a hierarchy of orders, on many
levels." Mmmm. His House has Many Mansions;-) I see scaling here too.
(For Barry Mallis;-) <<We are of infinite order. If more people here
learned to compose deep music instead of listening to shallow music they
would discover the realms of the infinite order that for me can turn a
storm into the most sudden silence. A firstandfinal emergence.>>
"When did I ever become less by dying?" Rumi Love,
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