Replying to LO26079 --
Hi At
> Lawrence Philbrook <> writes:
> >Learning is only learning when it is manifest in
> >a change in behavior. Change can go in 4 directions:
> >holding on to the same, more of the same, less of the
> >same, and different.
> >
> >If I say that an organization is an entity, then they
> >also are constantly learning and changing in one of
> >the 3 ways.
> Greetings Larry,
> At first I thought to question you on the "holding on to the same", but
> then realised that some fellow learners might few it as an attack because
> it almost appear as an illogical change which it is not.
> In fact, "holding on to the same" is the change necessary in mathematics
> to extend the logic in it. Here are two simple examples:
> . 7 + 0 = 7
> . 7 x 1 = 7
> Addition, for example, brings changes about for all uncountably many
> possible cases (like 7 + 8 = 15 and 7 + 100000 = 100007) except one unique
> case, 7 + 0 = 7 This unique change is necessary to fix indentity. Thus the
> "+ 0" part is known as the identity operator.
> I think it is a serious Mental Model to focus too much or even exclusively
> on either the "idenitity change" or the "other changes" of which you have
> dscribed three.
> Allow me to tell the following from the view point of LEC (Law of Energy
> Conservation) and LEP (Law of Entropy Production) as I understand it.
> LEC allows only one change, namely the identity change.
Just give another example or clarify this. I have a feeling that this is a
very important thing to get one's head around.
> LEP allows inumerous changes. They fall in two major classes -- the
> extensive-quantitative changes and the intensive-qualitative changes. Your
> "more of the same" and "less of the same" belongs to the class
> extensive-quantitative changes.
How come "more of the same" is the extensive quality - clarify this for me
> They represent two very important minor
> classes in this major class. They are the outcomes of what I call
> digestive action -- eat or be eaten. Your "different" belongs to the class
> intensive-qualitative changes.
And why is different the intensive quality, I would have though that it is
also extensive. Just clarify this for me.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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