Cultural aspects of LO ideas. LO26100

From: Zahar, K.S. (Stud_MP00) (
Date: 02/10/01

Dear Sir,

First I would like to introduce myself, I am Kimzana Sari and currently
studying at Twente University, The Netherlands, where I am joining the
Master of Science program, with HRD as my specialization. I come from
Indonesia and it is with a scholarship from Dutch government that I can
study here, until August 2001.

I've been interested with the LO ideas since I found that this is a more
humanize way in organizing human power in a company. At this moment, I am
preparing my final thesis where I really want to discuss about the
possibility of applying LO concept in companies in Indonesia. My basic
assumption is that some adjustments should be made before this concept can
be successfully applied there, whether in adopting this idea or in
improving the current situation of the company in order to accomplish a
certain situation required by the LO concept.

Among various points of view, I am more interested in looking at the
cultural differences that might occur between the LO concept, as a new way
to manage company, and Indonesia, as the context where this concept is
going to be applied. I fully agree with a proposition of Geert Hofstede
that somehow, companies in developing countries have to face failures in
applying new management concept which is developed in developed countries,
since they forget to take differences between their culture and the
cultural aspects, inherent with that concept.

Depart from this point, I really want to go further in this specific
topic. But unfortunately, so far I haven't found any literature that
discuss about the cultural characteristics of the LO concept. I was trying
to find it in the cyber space, using the search engine, when I found your
web-site. Actually I would like to post a question about this to your
mailing list, but haven't got enough courage to do so.

That is why, I decide to send this e-mail to your address, expecting that
you would like to help me with information about literature/references
that discuss about the cultural aspects of LO concept.

I'm really sorry if I was being straight in this e-mail, I hope it will
not cause inconvenience to you.

Thank you very much for your very friendly homepage that has encourage me
to send this e-mail. I am looking forward to hearing your reaction on it.

Best regards,

Kimzana Sari Zahar

Witbreuksweg 379-305
7522 ZA - Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-6-22388991


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