Corporate Story Telling LO26111 -One-day Masterclass

From: a.angelillo (
Date: 02/12/01

Corporate Story Telling - One day Masterclass

Facilitated by Dave Snowden, Head of the Knowledge Management Institute
Drawn on case study material from Microsoft, Intel, 3M, Xerox, IBM, NASA
and The World Bank.

This Master class will demonstrate how:
· Using Corporate Story Telling can institutionalise a learning culture
· Story telling can handle complex management issues
· Using a metaphor can champion innovation and cultural change
· Underlying rules, values and belief systems of a culture reveal the
capacity of anecdotes
· Using archetypes and persona to inform system design

For more information on this or other Linkage Workshops on knowledge
management and organisational learning, please mail and receive a 10% discount when you mention
code MCLS.


"a.angelillo" <>

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