Here are five new articles on performance management topics I thought you
might be interested in, plus information on two free performance
management seminars. The articles range from a how-to article on
conducting a goal-setting meeting which I authored, to research on the
effects of "liking" an employee on that employee's performance ratings.
Settings include both public and private sector. I hope you find them
stimulating and useful!
* The Manager's Role in Setting Goals Part II. Conducting a Goal Setting
* The Role of Interpersonal Affective Regard in Supervisory Performance
* Performance appraisals: More than just going through the motions
* A Comparison of Three Methods of Performance Appraisal
* Performance Appraisal in a Hospital
>The Manager's Role in Setting Goals Part II.
>Conducting a Goal Setting Discussion
This is the second in a two-part series for managers on how to prepare for
and conduct a goal-setting discussion with your employee. Part I is in the
same library listing, two items down. Performaworks, 2/2001. then click
"Performance Management" under "Feature Articles"
>The Role of Interpersonal Affective Regard in
>Supervisory Performance Ratings
A research paper which explores the effect of a supervisor's "liking" an
employee on that supervisor's performance ratings of the same employee.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, March 2000.
>Performance appraisals: More than just going through the motions
How to article describing how to make performance appraisal meaningful and
useful in a hospital, medical lab setting. Medical Laboratory Observer,
August, 2000.
>A Comparison of Three Methods of Performance Appraisal with
>Regard to Goal Properties, Goal Perception and Ratee Satisfaction
The job performance of 96 police officers was rated using simple graphic
scales or one of two behaviorally oriented rating formats: behaviorally
anchored rating scales (BARS) and behavior observation scales (BOS). The
effects of rating scale formats on several indices of the usefulness of
performance appraisal for employee development were examined. Group &
Organization Management, June 2000.
>Performance Appraisal in a Hospital
While the effect of performance appraisal on private sector employees has
been studied, little empirical work on performance of public sector
employees has been done. This study looks at performance appraisal from the
views of those who are appraised. Human Resource Management Journal,
January 2000.
To view the complete listing of 83 "Performance Management in the News"
articles go to:
>Free Performance Management Seminars
There are two upcoming performance management seminars sponsored by one of
my strategic partners, Performaworks. One is in Dallas TX next Tuesday,
February 20th, and the second, where I am presenting, will be in San Mateo
CA on Tuesday February 27th.
Both are free and will address how to align people, strategies and systems
using electronic performance management software. You'll have an
opportunity to hear from a leader in the field and engage in a roundtable
discussion with your peers. These two are part of a series Performaworks
sponsors nationwide. I'm tentatively scheduled to present with them again
on April 19 in Philadelphia for those of you on the East Coast.
To register, either call or email the contact person noted with each
seminar. I look forward to seeing you at the San Mateo session or next
month in Philadelphia!
Dallas Seminar - Aligning People, Strategies, and Systems
Tuesday, February 20th Westin Galleria 13340 Dallas Parkway Dallas, TX
75240 8:30am-12:00 noon (Breakfast provided)
Learn how technology is finally effectively aligning employees with your
corporate goals.
Featured Speaker: Dr. Karen Caruso, Industrial and Organizational
Psychologist Join us in a roundtable discussion with industry leaders to
address emerging trends in managing a knowledge-based workforce in this
fast-paced economy. Learn how new technology is changing the way companies
manage employees' efficiency, and measure their hidden value.
To Register:
* Via email:
* Via phone: 1-877-500-9986 - ask for Todd Hillyard
San Mateo Seminar - Aligning People, Strategies, and Systems
Tuesday, February 27th San Mateo Marriott 1770 South Amphlett Blvd. San
Mateo, CA 97702 8:30am-12:00 noon (Breakfast provided)
Learn how technology is finally effectively aligning employees with your
corporate goals.
Featured Speaker: Jack Zigon, CEO and founder, Zigon Performance Group *
Mr. Zigon has designed 20 performance appraisal systems, co-authored 20
major training programs and nine books all aimed at improving employee
performance. * Join us in a roundtable discussion with industry leaders to
address emerging trends in managing a knowledge-based workforce in this
fast-paced economy. Learn how new technology is changing the way companies
manage employees' efficiency, and measure their hidden value.
To Register:
* Via email:
* Via phone: 1-877-500-9986 - ask for Josh Lippy
Performaworks, Two Hannover Square 434 Fayetteville Street Mall, Ste 900
Raleigh, NC 27601
To be added to our free Performance Management newsletter email list:
send a blank email to
-- Jack
Jack Zigon
Zigon Performance Group Voice: 610-891-9599
604 Crum Creek Road Fax: 610-891-9055
Media, PA 19063-1646 USA Orders: 800-244-2892
>> Performance measurement for hard-to-measure work and teams
> Free Perf Measurement Resources at
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