Dear friends,
Please allow this brief blurb from a lurker.
I want to let you know about a program that will take place in Halifax,
Nova Scotia June 9-16, entitled Authentic Leadership: Joining
Collaborative Learning and Meditative Insight. This six-day training
program will bring together some of the best of the organizational
learning practices with the awareness practices of meditation and artistic
process, based on exploring our belief that these can be mutually
enriching tools.
Presenters will include organizational mavens Peter Senge, Meg Wheatley,
Art Kleiner, Juanita Brown, Jennifer Kemeny, and Fred Koffman. Conflict
transformation mentor Daniel Bowling, cognitive biologist Francisco
Varela, diversity trainer Lillie P. Allen, and representatives from The
Natural Step will also participate in the learning community.
The daily schedule will begin with meditation and a short talk that
highlights some aspect of meditative awareness. Participants will spend
three hours a day in their primary training module and then regroup for
reflection circles and arts-based awareness exercises. The community will
also come together for conversations, presentations, arts performances,
and other events.
We are happy to report that we are getting a diverse group from business,
education, the non-profit sector, and community services; this mixing of
worlds is a key part of the learning environment we are envisioning, and
we have an active scholarship policy geared to young people and people in
a clear position to benefit many others through this training.
Currently, about 220 spaces have been filled of the 300 available, so if
you are interested, please visit our website soon at, send an email to, or call (902) 425-0492.
Thanks and regards,
Michael Chender
--Michael Chender <>
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