Replying to LO26092
Dear Organlearners,
I am preparing the final work on masters study on the Faculty of
Organizational Sciences University of Maribor, Slovenia, .The work is about the knowledge workers in the
process organizations.
Patrick Sue wrote:
> My interpretation is that Ana is referring to a (cyclical) process in
> which the knowledge is the implied object of the process. When Thomas
> Edison was inventing the light bulb (reportedly after 1000 tries), every
> try was a cycle. What he created each time (except for the last), was
> knowledge about how not to contruct a light bulb. That knowledge wasn't
> actually used in the process, but as input to the next attempt. The final
> bit of knowledge (how to make a sufficiently durable light bulb), was
> presumably used to manufacture light bulbs.
> > I'm convinced there is a learning cycle; I'm used to:
> > plan.. do.. check.. act (the famous Deming cycle)
> > or planning.. doing... reflecting.. connecting (based on Kolb's cycle).
I mean this is a learning spiral, not a learning cycle. Every Edison's try
was a cycle, but the result was on the higher level than the start. So I
thing it is a spiral.
I would also be glad to get some your opinions about the theme of my work:
about the knowledge workers in the process organizations.
iva Rant
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