Replying to LO26124 --
Thank you very much for enriching the context for me. I'll have to ponder
it further in my mind.
Yet I have heard a quite lively voice commenting in my mind while reading:
"Yes, dry wood can last for a long time, but I am interested in bringing
fruit, so that something new may grow. Finally this new will feed on the
rotten wood."
I think that this means something like simplicity and complexity have
their roles to play, but I am not interested in simplicity but in
complexity. But this must not allow me to judge simplicity as negative,
but I have to remember in howfar I rely on it.
I am not through though. Does it make some sense for you as well?
Wondering ;-)
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried (Winfried und Kirstin Dressler)
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