Replying to LO26181 --
What a wonderful dialog to read! I thank you for continuing reinforcement,
via your dialog, of the feelings and ideas I have in my heart about
knowing and not-knowing, taking one gulp and letting the breath unfold.
Please note that Rumi ("the Roman" -- he was from Roman Anatolia) wrote
most or all of his works in Persian, not Arabic. Rumi's greatest endeavor,
the Mathnawi, has been called "the Qur'an of the Persian tongue."
England's dear Doctor Johnson said of Rumi, "He makes plain to the Pilgrim
the secrets of the Way of Unity, and unveils the Mysteries of the Path of
Eternal Truth." Hmmmm. Learning organization. Or, organization of learning
among women and men which brings collaboration, intensification of the
beauties and glories of the uniquely personal against the backdrop of
Rumi can be considered, according to Kabir Helminski, a mentor of mine,
the synthesis of all that Islamic culture had assimilated from Arab,
Hellenistic, Hermetic, Christian, Jewish, Persian and Indian sources in
the first seven hundred years of its existence.
My personal prayer which Rumi gifted me:
I live on the lip of insanity,
wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens --
I've been knocking from the inside.
It is no wonder to me that his work outsells Robert Frost in the United
Warm regards,
Barry Mallis
The Organizational Trainer
> Beloved Terje (and Don),
> My spiritual teacher (who left his body the day I flew into India to meet
> him) was a big proponent of Sufi-lore (though he was a not a Sufi himself,
> he was a Mystic). I deeply deeply appreciate the question Don asked you
> about Arabic culture and LO's that spurred your comments in return (see
> below). I have interspesed my comments among yours, taking liberties as a
> culture genralist and hoping you will set me "right" if I mis-represent
> Arabic culture in any way. I have numbered your points to order my
> thinking in response to what you have offered:
--Barry Mallis <>
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