Corporate University Xchange Excellence Awards LO26201

From: Matthew McKeon (
Date: 02/23/01

The 3rd Annual Corporate University Xchange Excellence Awards will honor
six corporate universities that have been instrumental in developing
corporate education programs for their respective organizations. In
conjunction with the Financial Times, the awards recognize corporate
universities that have demonstrated leadership, creativity, effectiveness,
and support for lifelong learning.
Past winners of the Excellence Awards include:
Milliken & Company
Tennessee Valley Authority
Symbol Technologies
IDX Systems
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Lloyds TSB Group
Deutsche Lufthansa
LVMH Group
Don't miss this opportunity to add your organization's corporate
university to this list of esteemed companies. For information and a copy
of the Excellence Awards ballot, visit
The deadline for submission is March 16, 2001.


Matthew McKeon <>

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