Collaboration and LOs LO26242

From: Rol Fessenden (
Date: 02/27/01

Replying to LO26212 --


It has been talked to death, but only because there is no one answer. We
are all fledglings. Join the club.

Operationalizing collaboration cannot be done in some kind of theoretical
abstract world, which is what you are asking us to do. If you and I want
to collaborate, then you and I have to define what that means in the
context of our project, our skills, and our environment. Collaboration
may mean that you will do what you are really good at, and then you will
hand it off to me, and I will do what I am really good at. We may agree
that is the most effective way to achieve our goal. If I am not so good
at my job, or you know more about the needs of the project, or you are the
leader and you have information I don't have, then we may agree that you
should do your job, hand it off to me, and then we should mutually agree
what I should do. Or, I may be really good, but if you don't know that,
then you will still want a voice in my processes.

As I said before, ask the people who must do the collaboration to find out
what it means. Senge says collaboration is best when decision-making is
shared. I have no idea what that means in the context of your work. And
collaboration may not even be the best way to achieve some outcomes...



"Rol Fessenden" <>

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