Empowerment LO26254

From: Bill Harris (bill_harris@facilitatedsystems.com)
Date: 02/28/01

Replying to LO26251 --


I think it just dawned on me how the word evolved. For all of you who saw
this eons ago, forgive my slowness.

You describe people below as empowered, and I view those people as acting
as if they had been given power. If I truly empower you (dictionary
definition), then you may act differently than if I gave you no power.

If I see someone who acts like that, I may call them "empowered"
independently of how they got that way.

In reality, I think I may observe more empowered-looking people who did it
to themselves than those who were empowered by others. (I'll have to try
to pay more attention to that.) As you say, the definition doesn't really
fit what we observe.

I'll still claim it's a good word as described in the dictionary. The
President (or Prime Minister or ...) can empower his Secretary of State to
go to Europe or Asia or ... to conduct some business. Probably most of us
don't exist in organizational systems where we really feel very empowered
by others, even though it may be possible; we act more empowered when we
do it to ourselves.

Any linguists out there have any good words to suggest? In the English,
I'd prefer a straightforward word than an erudite one that is equally
obtuse for most of us, but I'd be interested in anything. Any good
unambiguous words from other languages/cultures that fit here?


Richard Karash <Richard@Karash.com> wrote:

> I am very conscious that my definition is contrary to the primary
> dictionary definitions and general use.The dictionary and the general
> usage are basically that one person empowers another. I just don't think
> the definition in general use makes any sense. We spend a lot of time
> talking about "How to empower.." when that's, in my view, not possible.

> I believe the "Creative" orientation of Senge and Fritz is closely aligned
> with the psychological idea of being in "Flow." I believe anyone in the
> "Flow" state is clearly "empowered."


Bill Harris 3217 102nd Place SE Facilitated Systems Everett, WA 98208 USA http://facilitatedsystems.com/ phone: +1 425 337-5541

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