Creative vs. reactive orientations LO26284

From: J.C. Lelie (
Date: 03/06/01

Replying to LO26253 --

HelLO-ers, good morning Peggy,

I want to create a reaction to these ideas:

I'd suggest not to look at actions as either reactive or creative. They're
both, but one - a person - has to choose. That's why it is called a
creactive orientation. A reaction is created, creating is an act. By being
aware that we choose to call something reactive and / or creative, and
that by calling something we act and create, we gain a better insight in
the processes of creating and acting and are no longer sufferers of our
own orientation. That is to me the issue: when one is not aware of one's
reaction and the reactions it creates, one tends to become a victim of
ones non-awareness. On the other hand, we're limited in our capabilities
and are unable to "see" our reaction and the created reaction at the same
time, at least i am. But given some more time, one can.

Hope it helped,

kind regards,

Jan Lelie


> Being me, I feel the need to immediately operationalize what I have
> learned... :-) Maybe I can quickly summarize by changing the direction a
> bit and zooming out ...
> In regards to how work activity flow throughout an integrated
> organization...
> - From the systems-level, you can decentralize. This transfers
> decision-making throughout the organization and as such, transfers
> accountability. This is as Rick said in his post 'reactive'
> - From the functional/team/department level, you can delegate. This is an
> informal transfer of decision making and accountability between levels of
> a hierarchical structure. This is 'reactive.'
> From this level you can also collaborate. This may transfer decision
> making, share decision making, etc., depending on the organization's
> decision-making system and its application thereof. If transferred, it is
> 'reactive'. If shared, it is 'creative'
> - From the individual level you can...???? ... take the initiative and do
> what needs to be done. This is 'creative'
> So creative orientations would be more effective in LOs that reactive.
> Am I on the right track? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


"J.C. Lelie" <>

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