Replying to LO26302 --
Hi Gavin,
>I have reached the limits of organisational theories and have realised
>their frailties in application, method and soundness. Once one sees the
>underline pattern and association with most business models then one has
>reached the place where I have to say I don't know. And I don't know, but
>I don't get fooled anymore by slick talk nice saying and cute theories.
reminds me of another part of the article by Hosokawa, the former prime
minister of Japan, which I quoted recently in another context:
"Having retired from politics, I live in Yugawara, Kanagawa Prefecture. I
work in the field in fine weather and read at home in wet weather. I do
not often read newspapers and watch television. I am not concerned about
passing, trivial events; I find satisfaction in reading classic
literature, history books and biographies. Sometimes, I make new
discoveries and find new pleasures in growing vegetables in a small
Last year, I took up pottery as a hobby. I discovered the joy of forming
vessels from clay and turning the potter's wheels. From time immemorial,
pottery has been considered the ultimate hobby in Japan. Pottery,
basically the making of teabowls for the tea ceremony, is a Zen-like,
quintessential art. The teabowl is all-important in pottery. It is said
that in ancient Japan, a precious teabowl was worth as much as a feudal
province or a castle."
Just wondering what you may be doing, now that you have reached this point
of wisdom ;-).
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Dressler, Winfried" <>
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