Restructuring and Employee Empowerment LO26338

From: Eugene Taurman (
Date: 03/13/01

Replying to LO26224 --


Whether or not the employees can be engaged in improving the work process
depends entirely on the management belief system. If the managers do not
believe in the workers ability and if the structure is not appropriate
then empowerment becomes impossible.

If the structure is right and they believe in the workers then empowerment
can happen.

Some of the requirements are
Purpose agreed upon and accepted
A way to make change
        Enough structure to make decisions
        Faith in people
                Problem solving
        Clear ways of filling company and personal needs at the same time
        There are more

Engaging the work force is easy but it doesn't just happen because
managers want teams. They must form the right structure.

I hope this little bit helps. Good luck


Eugene Taurman


"Eugene Taurman" <>

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