Replying to LO26333 -- wrote:
> Nicola: Lovely colours - when you hold it up to the light the green changes
> to gold. (8)
> Michael: Yes, nice colours but a bit of a mess. Pretty when held up to the
> light. (5)
> (Images from an Unknown Artist;-)
> Dear Gavin, dear Winfried and dear John, Can you see;-) We can agree then?
> - Everything changes when you hold it up to the light!
Dear Andrew,
I could not remember some words of H. Thoreau well, it runs like ' With
all your science/Can you tell how and whence/The light into your soul?'
Yesterday my friend told us a moving 'QC Story' of operators of Japanese
Komatsu Co. back early '80s in DEN. It reminded me my discussion with some
part-time MBA students for 'managing' a hundred operators service
department credit card/Federal Express/ Celluar Phone Co.) We realized
that most management systems and sophisticated software are not sufficient
conditions for a good team.
I thanked Myron and wrote the following, I list here for your reference.
> In the improvement stories of many Japanese unprofound subjects, we
> might know 'how and whence the light came into the soul of service and
> life.' Myron stressed the AIM. Many Japanese business people like
> Toyota's, they think 'give and take' thinking is the core of business, that is
> 'enabling' people to form certain knowledge of improvement and the
> willing to be an 'all-one-team'.
Hanching Chung
--demingtw <>
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