October 24-26, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia
The choices and possibilities seem endless. >From an organization's
viewpoint, seeing many potential paths ahead is too often both good and
bad news.
Good because you have the freedom to make the choices that can make a
difference in your organization. And bad because you are overloaded by
information and doubt whether you can distinguish between the highway to
success and an interesting but worthless sidetrack to a dead end. Despite
all the fancy knowledge management technology available, the next step
depends on YOUR knowledge. What to do?
Management is about making choices, the right choices, sometimes the
hard choices.
When your organization's future is on the line, you have to summon
your best thinking and judgment. Do you know:
* What kinds of information enable good choices?
* What organizational processes are required to sort through the
mountains of data available to arrive at the quintessential knowledge you
need to guide your actions?
* How can human knowledge be gathered from and applied in all corners of
an organization?
* How can decisions be made with the confidence that their unintended
consequences can be anticipated and defused before problems result?
Organizational complexity offers a rich playing field. But be careful
where you step! There are both landmines and gold mines in your path.
The 11th annual Systems Thinking in Action Conference will help you steer
past the hazards and realize the rewards of knowing how to harness the
energy, depth, and richness of organizational complexity. Bringing
together the best minds in systems thinking, management innovation, and
organizational design and development, the Conference will break new
ground in discovering the ways organizations can power into the future.
Visit www.pegasuscom.com for conference updates, speakers, and special
pricing. Team discounts are also available.
LeAnne Grillo
VP Strategic Partnerships and New Business Development
Pegasus Communications, Inc.
voice 781-398-9700 fax 781-894-7079
Save the date!
The 11th Annual Systems Thinking in Action Conference 2001
"Harnessing the Power of Organizational Complexity"
October 24-26 Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Georgia
[Host's Note: I make it a personal priority to attend and participate in
this excellent conference. I host an "advanced track" session, and I
think the conference as a whole is especially appropriate for introducing
the org learning ideas (and community) to people who have not had much
prior exposure. Hope to see you there! ..Rick]
--LeAnne Grillo <leanneg@pegasuscom.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.