Replying to LO26362 --
Freddy beloved,
I am following all this, and can see the connections, and not sure exactly
what you are (asking?) us for but I like the way you just I-chinged (my
verb for the divinationprocess of using the I-Ching to find out the
moment's needs by tossing coins or yarrow sticks to get to a specific page
which then tells you what you are needing for that moment) your way to
Bateson's page and used it --- seems like you are just a big channeler
anyway, like me, so going by the seat of one's pants is fine---it's all
perfect--mistakes included!
Sistah Sajeelah as the sun sets
On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 02:36:43 EST writes:
> Please allow me to quote in extensis;-) after these words come to at
> random,
> When the Frames Became Arrows and Love its Target
> "The path of a physical motion is an ideal line. In a line that " has
> movement," there is ideal motion. In the phenomenon we call life both
> continuous change and permanent form really exist; but the form is
Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey: President, Core Consulting
Center for Organizational Renewal and Effectiveness
Senior OD Consultant/Culture Generalist
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore
--Sajeela M ramsey <>
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