Dear friends,
We're offering a week long training event in Appreciative Inquiry at the
University of the South, School of Theology in Sewanee, TN, June 10-15.
Liz Workman, a longtime NTL trainer, will lead the event. It is a real
bargain at $600 tuition plus $275 room and board. The housing is in an
exceptionally nice college dorm and the meals are prepared by a splendid
chef ( except for one evening meal when you're on your own). Sewanee is
an extraordinary little college and seminary on a beautiful campus on the
Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee about an hour north of Chattanooga and and
hour and a half south of Nashville. Liz is an excellent trainer who has
been using and teaching AI for a number of years now. We'd welcome anyone
who is interested and comes with an open mind and an open heart. If
you're interested in more information email me at
--dcampbell <>
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