Replying to LO26356 --
Dear Organlearners,
Winfried Dressler <> writes:
>Dear At,
>just picking out two sentences out of a great contribution - with
>your permission: "Please question me in whatever facet which
>you deem necessary." ;-):
Greetings dear Winfried,
Without my experiences, this contribution would not have been possible.
Some five years ago, after a church sermon during which I thought about
other things than following the sermon, I exclaimed excitedely to my dear
wife: "It took God some fifty years to lead me gently through all those
experiences I needed to learn grace authentically. He is the most graceful
Teacher of all."
>I think of an experience yesterday which could serve as
>an example:
> My daughter has piano lessons now for one year. She ...
>I guess this was an example of how grace can destroy
>learning - together with my complementary experience how
>accountability can destroy learning.
You need not to quess that it is an example. It is indeed a lovely example
which I understood perfectly clear.
>Balancing accountability and grace is quite a big task. I feel more
>like a chemical clock with oszillating K rather than constant K, be
>it more to grace or more to accountability. And chemical clocks, I
>assume, need a lot of free energy, without leading to higher orders,
>just stabilizing the existing patterns. Ok, Winfried, stop that stream
>of thoughts and think of the poor reader on the other side (anybody
>still there?).
I am still here. The example from your own family made me think of this
oscillating K among several families (mine too) involving many
generations. K will gradually shift along several generations from
accountability upwards to grace, only to shift downwards again in a
generation or two -- a sort of saw-tooth oscillation! I have already
become aware of this oscillation in K(account<->grace) several years ago.
But your delightful response helped my thinking to ask the following
. What causes this oscillation in K(account<->grace)?
I would like you or any other fellow learner to contemplate this question
and come up with some sort of answer. Hopefully some answers will be as
delightful as your's has been.
I suspect that the answer has very much to do with the evolution
(emergence, maturing and bifurcation) of a nation's and even a
civilization's paradigms. I base my suspicion on the long period (time) of
oscillation in K which often is more than a century or two. Every family
is connected to a civilisation and most families are connected to a
nation, whether they want to acknowledge it or not.
At one time I studied the histories of universities a lot because they
were for me one of the main entropic forces in the Rennaisance, triggered
by the invention of printing. It suddenly strikes me that the succesive
rectors of some universities also exhibited this oscillation in K! Is this
not strange clock in K? (By the way, did you know that chemical clocks
fascinated Ilya Prigogine?)
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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