Replying to LO26276 --
hi Steve -
Apologies for being late to respond - I am indeed interested in "chatting"
though not sure what this might look like in future -
> Hello to the list ... I am asking if there are LOers on the list who
> reside in Western Canada who would like to get together to chat about LO
> and OL and KO and OK ... I have the rudimentary elements of a book on the
> LO subject (more theoretical than practical) and would seek to chat with
> others about making it more practical and/or to chat about practices in
> Western Canada.
I am also interested in learning more about the conference you've
described briefly below - any elaboration on a website somewhere?
> Also, a heads up ... 2nd International Conference on Researching Work and
> Learning, Calgary, Alberta ... July 26-28,
> 2001.
warm regards,
--"Sheila Bradshaw" <>
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