Replying to LO26297 --
Dear Andrew and At,
In most cases, I didn't have time to read through At's long contribution.
But I came across it and I need to 'speak out'. Since I read most of two
'writers', Skinner and Koestler. And I think (in terms of 'theoria' and
'deeds') Skinner is a great one too, at least. One way of making the most
of our creativity is 'read' our strangers' works and deeds. In this case I
suggest you to read Skinner's last volume of autobiography at least. You
might find another giant, at least as great as a 'writer' and a
'scientist' as Koestler.
Hanching Chung
' like much mixing oil with water. It is easy to describe the intended
product, less easy to produce it. And the task is not finished...' H. A. Simon,
Administrative Behavior, p.355.
AM de Lange wrote
> Greetings dear Andrew,...
> I have to stop because I am not fit enough to work hours without end. But
> I want to say this, I am deeply impressed with your comparison of Koestler
> with Skinner in trying to make sense out of the richness of creativity.
> Its like comparing an elephant with a flea. The question is -- which one
> will sway the bridge when crossing it. The flea taking a ride on the
> elephant will always say: "See how we sway the bridge." ;-) Koestler has
> been an elephant on which too many fleas had taken a ride, thinking that
> they are swaying the world.
> In a LO we are all the fleas taking a ride on the LO as the elephant!
--demingtw <>
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