Collaborative Work Systems Symposium LO26498

From: Melanie Bullock (
Date: 12/31/69

Collaborative Work Systems -- 9th Annual Symposium
Center for the Study of Work Teams
May 23-25, 2001 --- Denton, Texas (PreConference May 22)

This year offers a combination of workshops and general sessions on issues
facing Collaborative Work Systems. Presenters represent corporations and
universities from around the world.

Keynote Speakers:
Ken Baskin, author of Corporate DNA &
Linda Moran, author of Keeping Teams on Track and The New Self
Directed Work Teams

Full program details and on-line registration is available at:

Conference Focus:

The rapidly changing work place requires organizations to evolve by
creating a structure which fosters learning, and adaptation in order to
survive. Applying the natural principles of complex adaptive systems
enable corporations to build an organization that can respond rapidly to
complex and diverse challenges.

Healthy companies are moving from a top-down paradigm to one which
encourages open, fluid, and frequent communication allowing for bottom-up
creative decision making, and self-management. This year's event will
focus on the issues that support the continuing evolution of the work
place by offering participants useful and challenging information,
research, and applications. We hope that you will join us for what we
believe will be a unique learning experience.

Melanie Bullock
Center for the Study of Work Teams
University of North Texas
POB 311280
Denton, TX USA 76203-1280
Ph: 940-565-2198 Fax: 940-565-4806

Center Web Page:

Conferences Education Workshops Publications Benchmarking


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