Homo sapiens amans LO26501

From: Judy Tal (judyt@netvision.net.il)
Date: 04/12/01

Replying to LO26490 --

Greetings everybody,

I can add but a small observation:

Recently (under the subject "Archetypes") the form "raiser" has developed
into a new meaning by At and Jan, and put immediately in use (became an

To me this brought a new meaning into the form "flower" (noun created from
the verb "flow") ... a new color into Andrew's paintings.

"Bless the healer", At.
(that's how we great a person who felt bad and is feeling now better).


Judy R. Tal, Ph.D.
LCL - Learning Cycles Locus
tel: (+972) 3 6997903
fax: (+972) 3 6902127
cel: (+972) 54 666294


"Judy Tal" <judyt@netvision.net.il>

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