I have recently been hired as the Learning & Development Coordinator for a
ministry in provincial government. My mission - and I did choose it..*S*
involves implementing our governments plan of turning our ministry into
Learning Organizations. I have a lot of resources, however what I need is
ideas for "questions" for and assessment from "employees" on where they
see the organization and themselves with respect to Learning. I will be
reviewing the "FieldbooK' this week, however, any and suggestions welcome.
Rhonda Habart
Training and Development Coordinator
Quality Service Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
(519) 826-3620
[Host's Note: Welcome, Rhonda! ..Rick]
--"Rhonda Habart" <rhonda.habart@omafra.gov.on.ca>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.