McKinsey's 7-S Model LO26558

From: Shadrack Lepuru (
Date: 04/22/01

I would like to inquire if there is still internet dialog on Learning
Orgainsation., because I would like to ask experts the following

"If there is any concept, other than the New Seven Ss by D'Aveni, which
matches the McKinsey's 7-S. I find this model to be very interesting and
worth applying. The problem is that, it seems there are no books, other
than 'In Search of Excellence talking about it. I specifically, want a
book whick talks more about the concept. I am intending to do a DBA
utilising The McKinsey's 7-Ss framework. Is there recent literature about
the concept?

Kind regards,

Shadrack Lepuru


Shadrack Lepuru <>

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