Increasing Self Awareness: Soulful Inquisition LO26563

From: Pixie Delite (
Date: 04/23/01

Hi all LO learners.

There are a few questions I would like all to attempt answering for me and
mailing to me within the limits I set for the answers please? It is an
exercise/project I am undertaking to try and become more aware of the
environment set within this discussion chain whilst I am a part and
part-taker of it.

Thanks :)

1. What is the purpose of your participation in this chain? (in strictly
NOT more than 80 words)

2. Why do you return to read posts? (in NO more than 70 words)

3. Why do you contribute to the posts? (in NO more than 70 words)

4. WHat have you learnt to date from participation at this forum? (in NO
more than 60 words)

5. What do you think you would have liked others to have learnt from your
presence here? (NOT more than 50 words)

6. Where does this chain/forum fit in to the bigger picture that is called
"your life"? (NOT more than 40 words)

7. What is it that you want from life? (NOT more than 30 words)

8. What have you given to life? (NOT more than 20 words)

9. Who are you? (NOT more than 10 words)

10. What do you think sums up everything in the Universe, all dimensions
galore.. and all the imagination can encompass? (NOT more than 5 words)

11. Where does a Learning Organisation fit into all this from 1 - 10?
( in not more than 5 words)

12.. last but not the least.... What do you think I am searching for
through these questions? (NOT more than 2 words)

.. in the end..... i send u the most precious of feelings for all that you
care for and are a part of the worlds of....

Love (NOT more than 1 word .. and yet... containing many)
pixie/ Joy Vatsyayann


"Pixie Delite" <>

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