New Insights into Managing Complex Organizations LO26577

From: Executive Education Programs (
Date: 04/24/01

As members of the Learning Organization mailing list, you may find the
following program of interest as Peter Senge is one of the speakers. If
you would like to receive information about this or future programs,
please let me know by sending e-mail to

All best,

New insights into the practice of


We all know that predictability has reached an all time low. There are
conflicting urges either to make radical changes in business practices or
to sit tight. Learning about the nature of complex systems provides
insight into evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's structure,
the accuracy and timeliness of its decisions and the specific actions that
it needs to take in order to survive and thrive.

Complex systems insights enable leadership of a complex organization to
respond to opportunities and dangers by creating effective structures,
dynamics, information flows, and relationships.

Complex systems also provides ways to adapt and evolve to creatively meet
the ever changing environment on its own terms. These ways avoid the
either/or choices in favor of parallel and dynamic allocation of corporate
"attention" or focus.

The business literature is full of ideas about networks,
self-organization, ecosystems, chaos, feedback and information flows.
These are complex systems concepts -- understanding them as tools of
effective management is key to building effective organizations in the
complex local/global environment.

The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) is the leader in
developing programs of research, education and applications of new
insights and methods in the study of complex systems. NECSI has organized
the following program in cooperation with faculty from MIT for executives
and consultants to senior management. It is a unique opportunity to gain a
deep understanding of complex systems concepts and management practice in
an intuitive case study approach.


May 31-June 1, 2001
Charles Hotel, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA

The speakers:

Four key people who have contributed to the understanding
and explanation of complex systems in management:

YANEER BAR-YAM, NECSI and Harvard University
TOM PETZINGER, JR., Author, The New Pioneers,
             and CEO LaunchCyte
PETER SENGE, Society for Organizational Learning and
             MIT Sloan School of Management
JOHN STERMAN, MIT Sloan School of Management

Program outline:

Wed, May 30:
    7:30-9:30PM Reception - Welcome

Thursday, May 31:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    9:00 AM Session 1: Yaneer Bar-Yam -- Key complex
          systems insights for successful organizations.
    12:00 PM Lunch
    1:30 PM Session 2: John Sterman -- Effective business
          decisions in a rapidly changing world.
    4:30 PM Break
    5:30 PM Banquet and after dinner discussion of
          applications relevant to participants.

Friday, June 1:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    9:00 AM Session 3: Peter Senge -- Learning
          Organizations: adapting and evolving in practice.
    12:00 PM Lunch
    1:30 PM Session 4: Tom Petzinger -- The ongoing
          transformation of leadership.
    4:30 PM End

Note: Each session will consist of a presentation
(including questions) and a guided case/problem solving
discussion with a short break in between.

Where can I learn more?

This program is a unique opportunity integrating basic
concepts of complex systems and management. The following
books provide some background:

J. Sterman, Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and
Modeling for a Complex World (2000)

P. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The
Learning Organization (1990)

Tom Petzinger, The New Pioneers: The Men and Women Who Are
Transforming the Workplace and Marketplace (2000)

Y. Bar-Yam, Dynamics of Complex Systems (1997)

For more information and registration see:

Note that registering soon is advisable.

Executive Education Programs
New England Complex Systems Institute
24 Mt. Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

If you would like to receive information by fax or mail, please
let us know.

Cherry Ogata
Administrative assistant
New England Complex Systems Institute


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