The term 'Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood' in the recent history of this
LO was first used by Alfred in LO26447 on March 27th when he wrote ...snip...
> I have to contemplate what was said during the French Revolution.
> Liberty, Equality and Freedom? I am convinced that a mental model of
> Equality will prevent Freedom - it will be destructive! <unsnip> The
> historic context was made very clear, I think.
It became a subject heading in LO26483 (3 Apr) when At de Lange replied to
LO26447, however the content of his replied for the most part addressed the
theme Alf took up <e q u a l i t y >.
In Subject: Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood. LO26524 Replying to LO26483
I wrote: --Equality is on the discussion agenda since Alfred wrote in Poor
Dead Kitty->cat and Reality? LO26447. Equality was still pretty much
center stage.
Then we reached a thematic bifurcation: equality or brotherhood. The rest is
Maybe it was a 'soup' question (...Finding Forrester)
or maybe it is not everyone's cup of soup
Exit <e q u a l i t y > center left.
with kind regards
Chris Klopper
--"Chris Klopper" <>
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