Winfried writes in LO26439, on reading Alexander's "A Pattern Language":
> Hopefully there are many more pattern
> languages to come. What about: A Pattern Language: Industries, Companies,
> Work. Leaving the elements behind and dive into the wholes...
There are some works in progress in this area; see for example:
a WikiWeb for collaborative work on the intended "common organization
pattern language"
Jim Coplien's original "Development Process Generative Pattern Language"
derived from observation of many Bell Labs software development projects.
An interesting feature of the latter is the use of a couple of diagram
types used to characterize communication among roles in an organization.
>From the introduction:
"There are two kinds of pictures used in the Pasteur studies. The first is
a social network diagram, also called an adjacency diagram. Each diagram
is a network of roles and the communication paths between them. The roles
are placed according to their coupling relationships: closely coupling
roles are close together, and de-coupled roles are far apart. Roles at the
center of these pictures tend to be the most active roles in these
organizations, while those nearer the edges have a more distant
relationship with the organization as a whole.
The second kind of picture is an interaction grid. The axes of the
interaction grid span the roles in the organization, ordered according to
their coupling to the organization as a whole. If a role at ordinate
position p initiates an interaction with a role at coordinate position q, we
put a point at the position (p,q). The point is shaded according to the
strength of the interaction."
--Don Dwiggins "All models are false, but some are useful" -- George Box, "Statistics for Experimenters"
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