I am interested in any thoughts about how one might seek or identify a
Learning Organization from the standpoint of merger partner (or
acquisition candidate) company. For example, if I were evaluating a
client's potential merger candidate, where would I look to see "clues" of
a LO? Given a list of potential merger/acquisition candidates, how could
I assess which, if any, are successful LOs? This moves me into a
territory where I have been told, "it's not a financial issue, it's an
"integration" issue, don't worry about it until after the deal". But any
integration issue is eventually a financial issue (it takes resources of
some type to integrate companies, and I would think LOs would be better at
this?). It seems worthwhile to evaluate this issue earlier rather than
later. Ideas or sources are welcome and I would share what happens with
what I can apply to an actual situation.
Anne Chamberlain
HR and Organization Effectiveness - New York
Buck Consultants
(212) 330-1040
--Chamberlain Anne L <achamberlain@buckconsultants.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
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