Process - Structure LO26633

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 05/06/01

Replying to LO26602 --

Dear Organlearners,

Hanching Chung (demingtw) <> writes:

>Before I start my note to At's, I like to suggest the initiator
>of the question to report back what he or she learned in this
>process or not. Most hunters cannot see the beauty of the forest.

Greetings dear Hanching,

The Greeks had a word for this "look at the forest rather than seeing the
treees". It was "metanoiastaste". The "meta" means "beyond, but not
opposite", thee "noiesis" means thoughts and the "astate" makes it a

>Thanks At. I understand chemistry a little bit but I don't
>see the power of analogue of chemical 'dynamical structure'
>with 'organizational structure', although mankind en masse
>is always very commonplace.

I discussed chemistry not because it such a good example of "dynamical
structure" (or what I prefer to call "processing structure"), but because
it tells us how much advancement followed by moving from the idea of
"static structure to dynamical structure". The reason why it is not a good
example is because it requires a high proficiency in chemistry to
understand the example.

Perhaps I should have used botany or zoology to illustrate that structure
and process have to complement each other so that they can be thought of
as a whole. One of the most fascinating studies in biology (botany and
zoology) is how many species have developed special structures to allow
for particular ways of fertilization. But again, how many people have
sufficient experiences in biologicval propagation to understand examples
from it. As for me, motphology (study of static structure) and
morphogenesis (study of dynamic process) are harmonised into a tight whole
which I would call "self-organization".

When we move from particular biological species to ecological
organistions, thisb garmony between process and structure as well as one
"processing structure" giving rise to a more complex one, is vital to
understand ecology. If human kind wants to act differently from the worlds
of chemistry and biology, it has to take responsibility for it. Can we
take responsibility for a human organisation in which its structures and
processes do not form a harmonious whole?

With care and best wishes,


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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