Replying to LO26621 --
Dear Organlearners,
Hanching Chung (demingtw) <> writes:
>I like to introduce Ernst Cassire's works to At for his reference.
Greetings dear Hanching,
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try to follow it up as soon as
>Readers of Dr. Deming's books know one of C. I. Lewis's books
>is very influential in shaping his theory of knowledge.
You have touched upon something which intrigue me. C I Lewis himself was
very much drwan to the work of C J Peirce. The latter to someone before
him, etc., etc. Now, when I focus on the thoughts of these persons rather
than the persons themselves, I become deeply aware of the evolution of
concepts, for example, some concepts particular to the Peirce-Lewis-Deming
"fractal line" of thinking. By trying to fit all these "fractal lines"
together, I get a pattern not very unlike that of a tree. The trunk
unfolds into branches while branch unfolds into twigs. Furthermore, there
is actually a whole forest of such trees with branches and twigs of trees
close to each other intertwining.
[Host's Note: At, do you mean Charles Sanders Peirce? I see a very clear
connection Peirce -> Dewey -> Shewhart -> Deming. ..Rick]
I derive much pleasure by adding mentally further strokes to the picture
of the forest whenever I get hold of another book. I derive even greater
joy when getting hold of a book in which the author tries to paint in that
mere one book also a whole forest (and not merely a tree or a trunk or a
branch or a twig or even a leave on a twig). I am a scientists, but what I
do not like about science is that so much papers are published on leaves
and so little books on forests.
With care and best wishes,
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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