Process - Structure LO26670

From: demingtw (
Date: 05/11/01

Replying to LO26667 --

Dear Leo,

As Dante wrote about his Comedi that ' Incipit Comedi Dantis Alighieri
florentini natione, non moribus', I stay in Taiwan, and 'Chung' is my

My point to you about H. A. Simon is humorous.

But one of biggest riddles about 'creativity' is as Plato's Acorn Theory
(I think this is consistent with Simon's, Aha!) or the creativity need a
'body'. Never mind.

For me I think to use Dante's masterpieces as a book for 'learning'
vehicle or a milestone for The Unfinishing Revolution( M. L. Dertouzos )
or The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace ( M. Wertheim)...

No matter.

Well, TGIF.

Hanching Chung

[Host's Note: Hanching (or others!)... I am incredibly curious about the
hints above. Please, please explain! Acorn theory? Creativity needing a
Sultry sunny afternoon in NH. (Sajeela?) ..Rick]


demingtw <>

[Host's Note: In assoc w/

The Unfinished Revolution : Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do for Us by Michael L. Dertouzos

The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to by Margaret Wertheim


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