Five Waves of Organizational Structures LO26676

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 05/11/01

Replying to LO26660 --

Dear Organlearners,

Winfried Dressler <> writes:

>What allows survival in the technological soliton? LO's?
>Is the soliton a filter for LO's? The best place to be when
>a Tsunami, a soliton wave caused by a seaquake, proceeds
>towards the next coast is a nutshell on the open sea, the
>best place to be when the Deluge came was Noah's Ark.
>What has a nutshell in common with a LO? Many questions.
>But we have to improve on the imagination of the far future
>which has been presented in the above link olduvai.htm. I by
>far prefer Alexanders imagination.

Greetings dear Winfried,

It all depends. If a Tsunami approaches, a massive ark will not do. It
will break in two. It must be something small and of light weight so that
it can rapidly ries and go ober the summit without deformation.

But we are now thinking in terms of something floating. What about
something submerged like a massive submarine. If deep enough to escape
the sucking and then pushing of the water, it will be relatively safe.
Otherness beg that we even go further. A reed which can easily bend will
probably make it while a sturdy house will be squashed with one blow. A
boat have to ride the tsunami, but a bird flying high above it will feel

The point is, we will have to transform the drifting ark into a submarine
the sturdy house into a bending reed or the baot into a fying nachine
before the Tsunami arrives. Our imagination is very fast, but putting it
into practice is something different.

The transformation into practice takes a lot of time. I think that the
time needed to change all our big organisations (economy, social and
political) in the usual manner is far more than the time left by the
remaining sources (oil, nuclear) of free energy. We need an organisational
transformation which might seem to go very slow initially, but which
accelarates exponentially so as to catch up with the solition of

I think the LO-transformation has this capacity, provided it makes the
distinction between rote and authentic learning. Authentic learning has
just that capacity for exponential acceleration. I have observed it far
too often (although far too little compared to rote learning) in some
students not to doubt it.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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