Replying to LO26679 --
Hi Winfried, At, and org'ies
Here are some nice examples of Characteristics of Complex Systems
Each of the variables below implies the other (use if-and only-if logic (A
and B bi- conditional) with each variable at the system (processing
structure) in focus)
1. Wholes (tube-pump-tube, input-transform-output, flow1-convert-flow2)
2. Process-structure (content-form, i.e. {(input) tube (material)}-{(pump)
transformer (mixed material)}-{tube (new material) output}.
3. Boundaries, limits
4. Categorical identity
5. Reproduce itself, viability, creativeness
6. Diversity, variety
7. Cognition-logic-knowledge
8. Adaptation- evolves- emergences
9. Motives (values, needs-fears [tension], Algedonic [push-pull]), movement,
10. Open
11. Digest, transform, convert, assimilate, appropriate, (pull-pump-push)
12. Recursivity, hierarchy (levels), self-reflexive, self-referential, closure
13. Association, interconnection, intra-connection
14. Entropy production at each whole
15. Self-organizing (spontaneous) (I left this out for a reason)
Note I have omitted some interesting concepts like goals, purpose, and
objectives although that is covered in motive but not as normal goal
For example: The purpose of playing soccer is to win. The objective in the
game is to score goals. The purpose to win is to win the league. The
purpose to win the league is? Motive also always has closure. That is why
I question goal-directiveness.
Test Case
My pool filtering systems
1-no (it only pumps does not transform the water), 2- yes, 3- yes, 4- yes,
5- no, 6-yes, 7-no, 8-no, 9-no, 10-no, 11-yes, 12-no, 13-no, 14-no
By deduction my pool is not a complex adaptive organization
My client's mayonnaise business
1-yes, 2-yes, 3-yes, 4-yes, 5-yes (if you leave the human factor in),
6-yes, 7-yes (if you leave the human factor in), 8-yes, 9-yes, 10-yes,
11-yes, 12-yes, 13-yes, 14-yes
By deduction my clients mayonnaise business is a complex adaptive organization
My circulatory system
1-yes (veins (blood1)-pump-arteries (blood2) 9, 2-yes, 3-yes, 4-yes,
5-yes, 6-yes, 7-yes (a bit contentious this), 8-yes (a bit contentious),
9-yes, 10-yes, 11-yes, 12-yes, 13-yes, 14-yes.
By deduction my circulatory system is a complex adaptive system
Try Beers VSM model (VSM uses the nervous system as basis)
Try the earth
Always go a recursion up and down to check (i.e. circulatory system, up- whole
human, down- cell (does this have the same characteristics- answer, yes)
Try see what blockages, constraints, bottlenecks do to the complex
adaptive system
In the human, disease.
In a business problems, constraints, bottlenecks and a pain in the neck.
Test the 7E's too.
In anticipation of some heated comments.
In conclusion, in reality no business can really be self-organising
because one has to apply work to it. If one stops to work then there is no
business or system in totally unbinds. Human organisations are artificial
self organizing systems.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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