portal KMOL LO26717

From: Portal KMOL (editorg@kmol.online.pt)
Date: 05/22/01

Portal KMOL is a web site dedicated to Knowledge Management and
Organisatonal Learning (http://www.kmol.online.pt). It was launched in
April and has monthly updates. May edition is already on-line. Although
it's mainly in portuguese-language, I'm sending direct links to the
english-language pieces of content.

I suggest a closer look at the interview with Mark McElroy, to a Lotus
Knowledge Discovery System review and also at the short text by Peggy
Stuart. It verbalizes the ideas the author has about what a learning
organization looks like. Although it was published last month in
Portuguese, only this month I was able to translate it.

If you enjoy portal KMOL and find it useful, please forward this alert to
your friends.

If you want to receive an e-mail alert when the portal each time the
portal is updated (monthly), please send your e-mail address to
editor@kmol.online.pt. (That e-mail alert will contain direct links to the
english content.)

Have fun!

Best regards,
Ana Neves


List of the English Content

--> Articles

Visualizing a Learning Organization (by Peggy Stuart)

Knowledge Management?, That? (by Ana Neves)
Last month, the CIO magazine launched an on-line poll. The question was:
"Does your company have a KM initiative under way?" The poll is over and I
must confess I was very surprised with the results: from 330 votes, 143
(43.3%) were negative, while 187 (56.7%) said yes.
This small text intends to explain the reason why I was surprised, and
present the possible justifications for the results.

--> People: Mark McElroy

Biography: http://www.kmol.online.pt/pessoas/McElroyM/bio_e.html
Interview: http://www.kmol.online.pt/pessoas/McElroyM/entrev_e.html

--> Products: Lotus

Review: http://www.kmol.online.pt/mercado/Lotus/prod_e.html

--> Summaries

Representing knowledge in enterprise portals (KC Adams)
Katherine Adams talks about the different types of knowledge organization

When bad things happen to good ideas (E Berkman)
After visiting the KMWorld2000, Eric Berkman critises the technology focus
software companies are giving to KM. He also suggests some aspects to
consider to have successful Knowledge Management initiatives.

The Accidental Knowledge Manager (P Dorfman)
In accordance to Anne Tyler's novel "The Accidental Tourist", Dorfman
explains that the accidental knowledge manager is one who hates knowledge
management and sees himself/herself involved in a KM initiative.

Introducing T-shaped managers: knowledge management's next generation (MT
Hansen and B von Oetinger)
While many organizations adopt centralized initiatives that require an
organizational restructuring, T-shaped managers only require the
development of time management skills. T-shaped managers, here presented,
share knowledge across nit boundaries while still committed to unit results.

Building a CI team (J Lamont)
"Building a CI team" starts with a curious idea. The author says that
companies that never had a CI program will try one, while companies that
currently have one will close it as soon as they start experiencing lack of

Building better knowledge maps (R Lloyd)
This article starts with taxonomies (referred as Knowledge Maps on the
title). After that it talks about changing old habits, the real uses for
XML, and near the end, about e-CRM.

--> Food for the Brain

Big stones
An experienced presentor was at a conference speaking to a group of
professionals. To clarify one point, he used an exemple the audience will
never forget.

portal KMOL
Portuguese language portal dedicated to
Knowledge Management and
Organisational Learning

URL: http://www.kmol.online.pt
E-mail: editor@kmol.online.pt


Portal KMOL <editor@kmol.online.pt>

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