Hi fellow participants,
I hope this of interest to the group . . .
Nigel Vickers
May 18, 2001
Knowledge Management Alliance Launches Website, New Products and Services
For worldwide release, April 30 "Knowledge Management Alliance today
announced the launch of its "knowledge hub" a website of targeted products
and services designed to educate, collaborate and originate participants
in a knowledge sharing alliance.
"The launch of the Knowledge Management Alliance is a major step towards
our vision of becoming the worldwide hub of collaborative intelligence in
the management of knowledge for competitive advantage", stated Nigel
Vickers, co-founder of the Knowledge Management Alliance. "We look forward
to establishing relationships with both enthusiasts and skeptics alike".
Resulting from over two years of research, the Knowledge Management
Alliance provides a group forum for knowledge exchange that will evolve
its products and services as the marketspace matures.
"Terry [ Pegler ] and I founded the Knowledge Management Alliance as a
contribution to two of the major drivers of knowledge management ^Ö
collaboration and sharing. We are very excited to be part of such a
dynamic, fast-moving marketspace." added Vickers.
About Knowledge Management Alliance
For more information, the Knowledge Management Alliance can be
reached at 416-409-9999, or on the internet at
--Nigel Vickers <thenige@sprint.ca>
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