To all LOs,
I'm working in a company that has doubled in size over the last ÿear. Lots
of culture and and change management issues going on. Just ûecoming a
team-based organization, so lots of anxiety going on about ÿhat as well.
My group is charged with helping new teams accelerate ÿheir productivity
by providing team management, team building and team diagnostic
interventions. I also have a Knowledge Management group to help the teams
share their team learnings and learn from each other. The problem is that
most people are unwilling to expose their mistakes and shortcomings to the
world.. they're happy to post their successes, but full disclosure of
lessons learned isn't happening. We're not close to being a LO, but I'm
interested in how you've mananged to move your organizations in that
direction. Any books, articles, personal stories, etc would be most
With best regards,
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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