Replying to LO26928 --
Dear Organlearners,
Leo Minnigh <> writes:
>Is *character* not a denomer for *content*,
>wheres the 7 E's are for the form?
Greetings dear Leo,
As usual you ask a very piercing question.
For me the qualities of any system refer to the essentiality otherness
("quality-variety"). Thus the qualities of a system have to do with the
form of the system.
To summarise my answer to Winfried: I am thinking increasingly of
CHARACTER as all the system's qualities together AS THE WHOLE QUALITY of
that system.
Whenever a system, always having content and form, emerges into a higher
level of form, the previous level of form also become content. In this
sense, the "sum of all the qualities" became content when they emerge
together into the "whole quality of the system" as its new form.
It this which I think we have to capture in the Shared Vision -- the whole
of all the qualities of the system as its character. The sharing of the
whole is far more natural than the sharing of its parts. That is why, when
we (but perhaps I am not pseaking for others) have to deal with any
person, intuitively fathom that person's character rather than the quality
related to the deal.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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