Replying to LO26943 --
I am happy to provoke further thought. You wrote
> I like to thank for your reminding to look for some 'dimensions' of the
> worlds of 'underneath the rocks'. Perhaps some books should address them.
One such book to which I fly like a moth around a flame contains the
ineffable words of the Persian, Rumi, who wrote almost 800 years ago:
Listen to the reed and the tale it tells,
how it sings of separation:
Ever since they cut me from the reed bed,
my wail has caused men and women to weep.
I want a heart that is torn open with longing
so that I might share the pain of this love.
Whoever has been parted from his source
longs to return to that state of union....
The body is not hidden from the soul,
nor is the soul hidden from the body,
and yet the soul is not for everyone to see.
This flute is played with fire, not with wind,
and without this fire you would not exist.
It is the fire of love that inspires the flute.
It is the ferment of love that completes the wine....
How long should you look at earth's face?
Come back and look again.
Now you see the nervous greed
deep inside plants and animals. Now you see them
constantly giving themselves away.
So, what shall we do today, Hanching,
how shall we pick, how shall we throw these stones? Shall we cross
some stream with them, then lift them to our bags
to be placed at the next crossing?
Best regards from New Hampshire in the northeast U.S.,
Barry Mallis
--Barry Mallis <>
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