Certified Epistemology Maintenance Engineers? Knowledge LO27039 Philosophy Boot Camp?

From: Ken Friedman (ken.friedman@bi.no)
Date: 07/23/01


Regarding this ISO material, I suggest a bit of surfing on the linked
sites of a raft of linked sites that seem to belong to or relate to Mr.

(1) eknowledgecenter


(2) Global Knowledge Society


(3) Global Knowledge Economics Council


(4) Certified Knowledge and Management Professional Society


(5) Knowledge Management Certification Board


(6) Yahoo Knowledge Economics Discussion Group


There are lots of ways to pay for membership and services in organizations
that purportedly have lots of members. There is a plan to raise a 50
million dollar fund. There is a link to a Journal of Knowledge Economics
that yields no information when one clicks on it. There are promises of
courses and courseware based on the work of well known scholars, none of
whom seem to deliver their work through these sites, and some of whom are
already under contract to specific well known organizations. And so on.

Interesting stuff if you like that kind of thing.

Myself, I don't know what purpose ISO certification of knowledge
management would serve. And what's next? Certified Epistemology
Maintenance Engineers? Knowledge Philosophy Boot Camp?

I'd be tempted to say that I can make do with my Captain Knowledge Secret
Decoder Ring. But what do I know? I'm just an ordinary old scholar, and my
knowledge is not ISO certified.

This leads me to an interesting question ... if my knowledge isn't
certified, is it knowledge?

 -- Ken Friedman

[Host's Note: There's obviously a bit of a tiff going on in the Knowledge
Management arena. We'd like to be kept up to date here, and we're very
intrested in knowledge, but the more partisan give and take should occur
elsewhere. Maybe Mark, Ed, or anyone can give a pointer to the right
location for the partisan stuff. ..Rick]


Ken Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Leadership and Strategic Design Department of Knowledge Management Norwegian School of Management


On sabbatical through July 2001

Home office

+46 (46) 53.245 Telephone +46 (46) 53.345 Telefax

email: ken.friedman@bi.no

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