What is THE problem? LO27042

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 07/24/01

Replying to LO26964 --

Winfried, Leo and all dear learners,

>>Winfried, please let your thoughts meander in a free way, don't let it
>>become an obsession.
>Well, tell me whether you perceive the following thought as obsessive:
>Kant's apriori-categories were meant to solve THE MonCat-problem, but he
>missed the ParVar-problem, as non-euklidian geometry managed to show.
>Liebe Gruesse,

I once missed a train, and years later, twenty or more, I turned left at a
roundabout when I should have turned right but I am still here, at my desk
in front of you...(knot)





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