Replying to LO27013 --
Dear Organlearners,
John Dicus <> writes:
>Some pondering here.
Greetings dear John,
Thank you for your delightful pondering and also making me aware of the
Greek root "mis(e)o"=hatred in English words.
Aftre having studued some dictionaries and even a Greek one, I became
deeply under the impression how few the root "miseo" has been used in
creating words. It seems as if the Greeks avoided "miseo"-hatred. This
gave me a deeper insight into their own "golden culture" campared to those
in the countries around them.
>Hatred. That's strong. ...(snip)
>Not simply "not drawn to it," but hatred! Wow.
Yes, hatred and love are antonyms (dialectical duals).
Between them we have an ordered range of intermediate values. I will
arrange these values in two rows -- the first row the negative and the
second the positive. Since my English is not so good you fellow learners
may easily change the relative ordering.
This ordering indicates that the between love and hate we should avoid
binary logic and rather seek "quantum fuzzy" logic. Any change from left
to right is a change in the prefered direction. For example, a change from
"hatred" to "grudge" is perhaps even more valuable than a change from
"grudge" to "dislike". What is most important to me self, is any change
from a value in the the upper row to a value in the lover row, say, from
"aversion" to "regard". It signifies for me a change from negative to
positive behaviour -- a change in heart!
>I've seen (I guess you have too) organizations who say
>they pride themselves in intuitiveness and teamwork, yet
>something doesn't ring true. I wonder if there is an unspoken
>theme of misoneism and "not being drawn to touchy feely
>people" (whatever that would be called)?
I think that an organisation will not "ring true" when it does not prefer
this "change of heart" which I wrote about above. I can also articulate
this "change of heart" as the change from "destructive creativity" to
"constructive creativity", from NO to YES. This is where the 7Es (seven
essentialities of creativity) can guide us. By increasing in each of the
7Es (liveness, sureness, wholeness, fruitfulness, spareness, otherness,
openness) rather than decreasing in one (or more) of them, the change will
be from the negative to the positive.
>Hatred of innovation. That's way not the same as
>simply being uncomfortable with it, isn't it? Do I do
>anything different if it's not the same?
I think we have to distinguish between actual and alledged innovations.
The 7Es help me to do so. Should one or more of the 7Es be seriously
impaired within me, I will easily confuse an actual innovation with an
alledged innovation and vice versa. Such a confusion fire a negatively
rather than a positively tuned heart.
When I have to work with an innovation which is indeed an alleged one, a
positively tuned heart will make me giving my best to make it an actual
innovation rather than avoid it or even shooting it down. When I have to
work with an innovation which is indeed an actual one, a positively tuned
heart will make me even trying to improve it more rather than being
indifferent to it. So I have to look continually at my heart -- is it
still positively tuned -- does it ring YES or NO?
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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