Hello Organlearners,
Since we are sharing stories I decided to gather unique (And not so
unique) stories that coach business principles. If you know of a story or
have used a story in coaching or training could you pass it to me?
I have gathered many but want to have a huge storehouse of stories.
Anyone who sends a story will get the complete, "Stories That Coach" eBook
once it has been completed and listed as the contributor.
When you submit please include:
Title of Story
Your Name
Business Name
Moral (No more than 1-2 sentence that explains the coaching lesson)
Here is a sample:
21. The Old Man, Boy, and a Donkey.
Lesson: There is no way to please everyone.
They were going to town and it was decided that the boy should ride the
donkey. As they went along, they passed some people who thought that it
was a shame for the boy to ride and the old man to walk. The man and boy
decided that maybe the critics were right so they changed positions.
Soon they passed some more people who thought that it was a real shame for
that man to make such a small boy walk. The two decided that maybe they
both should walk.
Soon they passed some more people who thought that it was stupid to walk
when they had a donkey to ride. The man and the boy decided that maybe the
critics were right, so they decided that they both should ride.
They soon passed other people who thought that it was a shame to put such
a load on a poor little animal. The old man and the boy decided that maybe
the critics were right so they decided to carry the donkey.
As they crossed a bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and it fell
into the river and drowned.
The moral of this story is: If you try to please everyone, you will
eventually lose your aXX.
Doug Constant
OnPoint Coaching & Training
There are certain things you have come to expect from a training
event...we're not about to do any of them.
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